Friday, August 9, 2013

“Will Return” a song of tribute to migrant workers of Peru

Like the Filipino migrant workers, the Peruvians are forced tyo leave their native country driven by poverty and lack of opportunity to live a decent life in their country. A song was composed as a tribute to this courageous people who braved the unknown life abroad, the loneliness and sufferings of expatriates- 

To hear tye song click link :

A beautiful song, “WILL RETURN” … written by a great composer, friend and fighter for the people, Don Jorge Noriega and sung by Jose Brito underlining the issue of internal sufferings of parents, families and friends who has to take the painful decision to migrate to support the children when the state and the institutions  are unable to give that human righty called work …  and nerglect any èossibility of human, social and economic development,   you and migration as the case of Peruvians who were forced to migrate, displaced by poverty in Peru … and in at least thirty years have remitted to the country millions, billions… and we are migrant workers, the top economic force of Peru (It is no crime, you have provided money in cash for the financial and economic growth for the progress of Peru) and yet even with the merit, the state of Pero continue to ignorer the rights of migrant worker and their family when they return to Peru…

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