Friday, November 8, 2013

Philippines is on her knees!

By Belarmino D. Saguing
Rome, Italy 08/11/2013

A house is engulfed by the storm surge brought about by powerful typhoon Haiyan that hit Legazpi city, Albay province. Photo: AP

Our country, already torn to pieces by corrupt political situation and whacked by a string of natural calamities has been clobbered once more by the terrifying supertyphoon.

As of now, it is impossible to assess the damages inflicted by the passage of the strongest typhoon in the world for this year due to cut communications and power failure. But basing on the dreadful strength and magnituide of these supertyphoon, the damage could approach the catastrophic dimensions, in terms of damage to properties, crops and, God forbid, to human lives.

This time, we pray to the powers be to refunnel the mountains of money from the pork barrel to aid the people. Set aside your greed for wealth for a moment and be human enough to assist the victims of earthquake, floods and winds. It is also time for the nation to unite and help with urgency,  first, in aiding the victims and next, in rebuilding the battered  nation.

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