Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Martial law in typhoon stricken areas?

By Belarmino Dabalos Saguing
Rome, Italy 12/11/2013

Recently, someone suggested that martial law be declared in places affected by the super typhoon to stop looting.

GREAT IDEA! Invite the military to occupy the areas where people are dead, dieing, shelterless and hungry, to protect the properties of the luckier ones who have something that the people needs.

But may I remind the proponents of martial law that this is not a military matter. It is  disaster,  calamity, that is involved here, not a military operation. What is really needed to declare here is not matrtial law but a state of emergency, because there is no local government functioning with normal efficiency. A state of emergency means the suspension of executive, legislative and judicial powers and for government agencies to implement emergency preparedness plans, as in cases of natural disasters.

President Aquino has to recognize the need to declare a state of emergency for national government to take over the affected areas as local government and defense units had been disabled by the extent of the casualties.

So much for the hawks. This is the time for cohesion of  the nation to relieve the victims of their sufferings. The National government must take the lead role in the mobilization of all national  forces, both civil and military to speed the relief, reconstruction and rehabilitation in stricken areas. The dead are lining the streets, even until now. The people have no electricity, no food, no water, all their dead are on the streets. Survivors could only look up at heaven in their silent plea for help.

Mr. President, the eyes of the nation is upon you. Make a careful but speedy move now, or you will be gone forever.

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