Wednesday, May 29, 2013

A more important question about economic growth: Does it reach the people?

A more important question about economic growth: Does it reach the people?

News item:  Where did the 7.8% growth come from? By Louis Bacani ( updated May 2013

We are all happy about it. Philippines is fast advancing in economy. More profits for  corporations, more high-rise buildings and other infrastructures to show the increased wealth, etc. The sources of this upsurge are well enumerated, but who are the beneficiaries of all these? In theory, the wealth of the country must be felt by the nation. By the people.

But, even without consulting at any survey, just looking at the food served on the table of ordinary people, one can surmise that this economic advances are not reaching the people. They still sharing on their tables sad-looking ‘tuyo’, one  (or perhaps less) piece of it for each member of the family. Workers are still begging for the just wage increase to enable them to make it to the end of the month, workers who cannot make both ends meet still has to go abroad in search of a better chance for the family to live a decent human life.  Slum dwellings are still clustered behind those nice tall buildings, a sign that progress is not reaching the people.

One must remember that the wealth of the nation is also the fruit of the workers’ sweat and blood.  And if they, too, have their share in the creation of wealth, they, too, must have their just share in enjoying it. But it appears that the share of the workers in the creation of wealth is minimized in the eyes of the government who consider only the capital as the sole source of growth. If this is so, then the fate of the people is sealed. They remain slaves to make the rich richer.

Let us bear in mind: the progress of the nation is measured not in the awesomely nice and tall building but in the living condition of the people.

Let the wealth of the nation be shared by the people.



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