Monday, October 14, 2013

The walls of ‘Fortress Europe” must be demolished.

By Belarmino Dabalos Saguing                                                                                         Rome, Italy 14.10.2013

The EU praised the rescue operation by the Italians and the Maltese but Lampedusa’s Mayor Giusi Nicolini said “Lampedusa is too small to constitute a border and also support the weight of all this dreadful tragedy”. Botjh Lampedusa and Maltese authorities asked for help from the European Union for help in patrolling and rescuing survivors in enternational waters particularly in Sicilian Channel.
The Commissioner for Home Affairs Cecilia Malmström has called for a vast security and rescue operation across the Mediterranean.
But whereas last week’s 300-plus victims came from the Horn of Africa, the latest migrants came from the Middle East. Addressing the root causes of their perilous journeys will be an enormous task. The mapping of the origins and routes of the victims point out that these immigrants are not just run of the mill “illegals,” but are refugees seeking asylum in Europe.
As long as Europe is surrounded by the wall of intolerance and disregards, the disasters will continue and more death will be the inevitable results.
Caskets of the sea disaster in Lampedusa
The walls of ‘Fortress Europe” must be demolished.

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