Monday, October 14, 2013

More tragedies in the Sicilian Channel between Lampedusa and Malta

Belarmino Dabalos Saghuing
Rome, Italy 14.10.2013

The fortress Europe

Italian news agency Ansa said about 50 bodies, including women and around 10 children, had been pulled from the sea.

"Operations to recover the bodies are ongoing," Joseph Muscat, Maltese Ptrime Minister told journalists.

Around 150 survivors have already been picked up by a Maltese ship, the prime minister said.

The Italian navy has rescued around 50 survivors, and more rescue boats and helicopters have been sent to the site.

The Maltese navy swiftly dispatched rescue ships and helicopters and diverted commercial vessels to the area. Italy sent two naval vessels and helicopters carrying inflatable life rafts.

But it is clear that unless the root of these oddysey is resolved and the current restrictive policies of the European Union countries are eased, more tragedies are bound to happen.

The walls of fortress Europe must be demolished!

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