Saturday, April 6, 2013

The Philippines importation of state terrorism

The Philippines importation of state terrorism

The US has taken a sharp turn to the right since 9/11 and there has been in all practical terms the victim of a right-wing coup. Say goodby to the freedoms we took for granted in the pre-9/11 era. The concept of torture, indeterminate detention without charges or trial, kidnapping world-wide, assassinations, drone attacks, support for dictators and apartheid states, are normalizing and will soon spread into the normal government activities in the US, and it is also being exported to or being copied by its satellite states as in the Philippines. Soon average citizens in many countries could find themselves in Guantanamo-like prisons throughout the world, all justified under the guise of security, in the name of war on terror. Filipinos has began to enter this condition since years ago.

The continued widespread gross Humamn Rights Violations in the Philippines exemplifies the American influence: forced disappearances, tortures of illegally arrested activists in military ‘safehouses’, muder of known critics of the regime, are happening with impunity around the country. The numbers of disaparecidos and political prisoners are increasing and the government, despite the new laws against illegal arrests, is turning blind eyes on what is happening.

Democracy is being killed in the Philippines and from many other countries. It is now very evident. If terrorism really exist, it is the very state whose duty is to protect the people from it, is doing the terrorism to its own people. Is there an end for it?

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