Saturday, December 7, 2013

Dec. 18: The International Migrant’s day.

Many Filipinos are familiar with migration as about 11% of the population of the Philippines are scattered around the wqorld as migrant workers. But it does not necessarily mean that every Filipino understand fully what it is and how it relates with the present soci-politicl situation of the country.

So, let us take a closer look at the word. According to an article published in ALTIUS DIRECTORY titled International Migrants Day 2013

Our world is replete with diversities! For many people across the world going away from their home town or region can be the best option or even the only to develop their standard of living. Migration can be immensely contributing factor in improving the income, education and improving their children’s future prospects. But its value is somewhat even more: being able to opt where to stay as a key component of human freedom. Nurses, social worker, writers, political refugees, carpenters, construction workers, academics and computer professionals are all part of the around 1 billion people on their heels both within their native countries and abroad. When people move out of his native country he embark on a journey of uncertainty, hope within or across the international fences.

Why do People Migrate?

Most people migrate in the look out of better prospects, hoping to add to their own potential with infrastructures and resources in the destination nation just to benefit themselves and their family members, who often follow or accompany them. Local societies or regional organizations as a whole are also the beneficiaries both in native places and at destinations nations. The multicultural background of these individuals and the policies that regulate their movement make human mobility one of the most perplexed issues that the world is facing today.

Why International Migrants Day is celebrated?

It provides us with an opportunity:

· to identify the contributions made by thousands of migrants to the progress and prosperity of number of nations around the world;

· to curb all kinds of violence and abuse faced by the migrants and their family members and advocate respect for their primary human rights;

· to request governments around the world to refine the UN Convention on Migrant Workers;

· to make the governments responsible for the fundamental rights of migrants.

Why 18th December?

Migrant people in Asia began commemorating and advocating 18th December 1997 as an international day of unity with migrants. They selected this date by dint of its symbolic value as it the same day was chosen by he UN General Assembly to adopt the International Convention on the Protection of the Basic Rights of All Migrant Workers and their family members and this was done after almost 10 years of governmental dialogues and relentless endorsement by migrant groups across the world.

The first IMD event was held at the UN Building in Manila, Philippines, and the participation of local bodies, foreign diplomats and delegates of international organization and NGOs were registered.

Taking this into consideration migrant groups across the world started campaigning for the UN in the years 1999 to officially establish 18th December to be witnessed as International Migrants Day. These campaigning efforts proved to be a big success and the UN General Assembly on 4th December pronounced International Migrants Day to be observed on 18th December each year.

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