Tuesday, October 15, 2013


By Belarmino Dabalos Saguing
Rome, Italy 16.10.2013

The collapsed facade of the Holy Trinity Church in Loay town in Bohol is seen after an earthquake struck the Visayas region early Tuesday morning, October 15. A powerful earthquake measuring magnitude-7.2 struck islands popular with tourists in the Philippines, killing at least 99 people, some as they prayed in centuries-old churches, and causing widespread damage to infrastructure. Reuters

That is all very nice, Mr. President. Good for your image as a politician. Many of us are also fond of our national historical heritage and treasues the artistry of our churches,  not mentioning its religious value to the people.

But the people are waiting for your pogi stature as a good statesman. Have you any word for the people?  You have trillions in your PDAF. Can you spare something for the people?

Every Filipino are aware that our country lies in geographical disaster belt where natural calamities could happen anytime of the year.  A permanent fund must be set aside along with a real plan to prevent human sufferings if and when a calamity of any type and magnitude occurs in any part of the country. People could only look in disbelief on the make-shift disaster preventions activated by the government in every nature-caused calamity that happened in the Philippines: poorly planned and funded assistance to the affected population (many victims of the past 2 typhoons are yet  to receive material aids not to mention structural reconstructions.)

People have died. People’s  homes are damaged. People in disaster areas need food, clothing to keep them warm. Instead of projecting your good image with your promises to reconstrutct the damaged churches which you must do anyway, you must look upon the people who are suffering now with a speedy and realistic assistance. Stop posing as pogi, we all know by now how you look like as a politician which you can only improve by making yourself a true leader of the nation. 

Let your trillions and the  billlions hoarded as congressional pork barrel funds flow into a worthier causes! People now know it is a big lie if the government would claim lack of funds as an excuse. 

There are funds and plenty of it. Use it for THE PEOPLE!

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