Thursday, October 3, 2013

Being superior is no excuse for cruelty!

By Belarmino D. Saguing
Rome, Italy 03.10.2013

click the link to watch video: 

This morning, I viewed a video on facebook that reminded me of our dog when he was still a little puppy. Acchile (our dog) was then a 5-month puppy when one day, we saw him sucking in his sleep. It occurred to us that he must be dreaming he was being nursed by his mother. The most cruel deed of humans to animals is separating them from their mothers at an age when they most needed the tenderness and care, and make them pets (synonimous to plaything). We have treated Acchile well, but that video really made my heart bleed.

 There was a Filipino Catholic priest here in Rome who said that human beings are superior to animals because their brain lacked properties that made them uncapable of feeling and emotions like love and righteousness towards others. They are governed not by judgement but by instincts. He may perhaps be right. He is a graduate of advanced theology, a doctor in canon and civil law and he perhaps know what he is talking about.

But I disagree with that priest. God is present in all things that He created. A piece of stone, trees animals and human beings are all God's creatures, and to me, anything where God dwells is His Temple. And these temples require respect! Each one of God's creatures are made for specific purpose. And surely cruelty and wasting it is not part of God's designs.

Maltreatment of animals (and humans) must be abhorred by anyone with human feelings. Wasting and destruction of nature must be both a crime and a sin. I cannot be be considered a religious person though I am a baptized Christian. In fact, I belive that no organized religion, whether great or lowly can save a human soul. One's salvation depends on himself. It is one's deed that decides if he is fit for salvation.

Human beings are also animals. They happen to have evolve (by chance or by design) into beings that can make maximum use of the brain better than other animals. But many people use this superior brain to wilfully damage nature, and devise cruel acts against both lowly animals and fellow human. This is evidenced by the greedy heads of corporations who, for the sake of gaining rich profits destroy the natural wealth of the Earth, by the politicians who for the sake of power and money distort the law and politics even to the lenght of torturing and murdering fellow humans.

Being superior is no excuse for cruelty! These people are worst than the animals. Lower than that puppy being tortured by the women shown in the video.

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